Alex Hamilton wrote:

Synchronised Swiming is not a sport. It a very small part of Swiming,
which is practiced by many thousands in UK alone - probably millions

Well if synchronised swimming is a very small part of swimming then .50 Rifle 
is a very small part of shooting and should be treated with respect as such. 

> showing lines of ferocious looking characters
> blasting away with shotguns and large magasine capacity pistols at
> humanoid targets at the rate of 15 rounds in 5 seconds until the targets
> competely disintergrated and they were ankle deep in fired brass and
> empty magazines.   And 99.99% of great British women cried in agony when
> they heard that that such harmless and worthwhile sport was in
> danger........... then signed the Snowdrop petition twice!!!!

And  your point is?  If you seriously think that rapid fire competitions 
caused the demise of pistol shooting then you aren't on the same planet as me.

> You will need to accept and quickly too that "Bisley type of shooting"
> is better able to survive without your support than your type of
> shooting (you have not told us what that was) without our support, but
> that is somewhat academical now because both our opinions are truly
> irrelevant.

I was a founder member of the UKPSA Council and actively competed for about 5 
years at national level.  However I have competed in Police Pistol, Military 
Pistol and conventional slow fire competitions.  I now shoot muzzle loading 
pistol and gallery rifle competitions.  I have also shot clay pigeon 
competetions and actively engage in rough shooting.  So which of my "type of 
shooting" don't you think is going to survive.  Frankly if I really thought 
that we were fighting JUST to keep the "Bisley type of shooting" going, and I 
take it you mean TR, then I wouldn't bother.  I support shooting generally, 
not just my, fairly catholic, interests.  I also do not agree that our 
opinions are irrelevant, if I did I wouldn't be continuing the fight.

> What really matters is what the government thinks that the population
> wants 

When did that start?  If it was true we wouldn't be subject to such a lot of 
lying propaganda everytime they want to ban something.

In terms of publicly perceived danger 50 calibre is somewhat

> above any other discipline that I can think of.

You must be joking here, 90% of the population have never heard of it.

>  your remarks are well and truly out of place

I merely asked for consideration of other people's shooting interests. I 
don't not withdraw that remark or apologise for it.

> AT the moment the public are disinterested and
> that is our great loss, so concentrate on getting them on our side and
> there might yet be hope fo us.
> Sorry but we are fighting a propaganda machine in the government and media 
> that we can't beat.  All we can do is make a real nuisance of ourselves to 
> the extent that they don't think we're worth it.  That means fighting every 
> step and not throwing over other shooter's interests to save your own.

Kenneth Pantling

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