On Sat, 16 Jan 2021 07:50:52 +0100, ASSI
> Lemures Lemniscati via Cygwin-apps writes:
> > And I'm trying to package luarocks for lua5.3 and lua5.4
> > (lua5.3-luarocks and lua5.4-luarocks) by a single cygport file.
> The packages should be named lua53-luarocks and lua54-luarocks (no dot
> in the version number), like OpenSUSE (they seem to be the only
> distribution with a multi-version lua and that particular naming scheme
> you've chosen).

Alpine linux has multiple versions of lua, also [1].
And packages names have periods in them when lua-versions are
specified [2].

[1]: https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=lua5.4
[2]: https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=lua*

Among cygwin packages, guile packages have dots in their package names.

[3]: https://cygwin.com/packages/summary/guile3.0-src.html

And, I'm wondering about no-dot-in-the-version scheme...  What should we
do if its version comes to 5.10 or higher (just a hypothecical example).
It will be lua510-* without dots, but I would feel uneasy for it (just
in my opinion).

> A different question is if you really want to package this particular
> feature.  Just like all the other "package managers" that come with a
> specific language or interpreter I'd expect this one to need (maybe
> extensive) modifications to work correctly on Cygwin, especially if it
> ends up building dynamic objects.

Does it mean that we should have a way to rebase such dynamic objects

> That's one reason I discourage the
> use of CPAN on Cygwin, since folks tend to shoot themself into the foot
> more often than not by using it.

All right. Maybe, I should calm myself down.

I will try simply to build subpackges for lua-5.4.2 (test), for the time



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