On Sat, 20 Feb 2021 19:15:38 +0900, Lemures Lemniscati
> On Sat, 20 Feb 2021 08:40:33 +0100, Achim Gratz
> > Lemures Lemniscati via Cygwin-apps writes:
> > > * A new source luarocks provides lua53- and lua54-luarocks.
> > >   They install rocks into an alternative tree /var/lib/lua-site/.
> > 
> > That looks wrong to me, I'd have expected
> > 
> > /usr/share/lua/luarocks
> > 
> > or maybe /usr/local as a prefix depending on how much emphasis you want
> > to put on the user-installable part.  The /var/lib tree is for local
> > state information per FHS, not installed components.
> Thank you for review.
> I've fixed it, so that luarocks should install rocks into
> /usr/local, and updated packages [1].

I'm wondering again it would be better for luarock to install into /usr/local 

If we choose /usr/share/lua/luarocks as a tree root for luarocks, 
the tree will be


and if we choose /usr/local, the tree will be


The latter seems more intuitive for me.


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