On Tue, Aug 15, 2006 at 08:55:04AM -0400, William A. Hoffman wrote:
>At 11:17 PM 8/14/2006, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>Or, the short answer to the question is: Yes.  The GNU make mailing list
>>has already been contacted and the GNU make maintainer has already made
>>a suggestion.
>I have searched the thread "Re: 3.81 and windows paths" on
>http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-make/2006-07/msg00023.htmland.  I
>was unable to find the suggestion.  Could you please point me to the
>suggestion.  The suggestion seems to be use mingw make and not cygwin
>make.  However, I get the feeling that you are hinting at some other
>suggestion.  If you have a link into the list where the suggestion is,
>I would appreciate it.  Thanks.

I do not have a link.  I was "speaking" from memory.

Just to clarify, the whole point of your interest is to avoid telling
people that they should use the MinGW version of make with makefiles
that are intended for use MS-DOS-like applications, right?  If that
is the case, then it really seems like the path of least effort is
just to instruct people to use MinGW.


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