At 10:57 AM 4/11/2002 -0400, Adam Shostack wrote:
>Thus, ecash deployment is a 3 party problem, where most new
>technologies that succeed are not.  

Actually, it is worse than this.
Credit cards are a four party transaction. Mostly for historical reasons, but
still, the customer's card is presented to a merchant, who presents the slips
to a "acquiring bank" who then talks to the "issuing bank" to get money from the 
The banks maintain this system when it has long outlived its historical justification.

Similarly, checks are a four party transaction.

Real cash is a two party transaction, but nearly everything else has four or more.

So to begin with, you need to work it as a four party problem. You will have to bribe
one or more parties to make them agree to drop out of the party.


Pat Farrell                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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