At 12:43 AM 04/12/2002 +0100, Adam Back wrote:
>To be more concrete: there are already apparently e-gold backed credit
>cards.  So why not Everquest virtual platinum backed credit cards for
>spending your Everquest acquired wealth directly in the real world.  I
>would have thought Sony could have a lot of fun and gain some
>interesting press from going in this direction -- blurring the line
>between the VR and the real world -- rather than trying pretty much
>ineffectivley and hopelessly to stop people trading virtual platinum.

I rather like the use of credit cards in Nethack, myself :-)

You could do Everquest currency in e-cash.
The convenience of payee-anonymous e-cash in facilitating kidnapping
might fit in well...  on the other hand, loan sharking probably works
at least as well with "real" platinum instead of e-platinum...

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