At 01:14 AM 4/12/2002 +1000, Julian Assange wrote:
> > Patent's aren't the problem - price of royalty is.  If Brands is willing
>No Patents are a problem. The total future cost, including the
>costs of all license negotiations and compliance burdens are
>unpredictable and consequently do not make a wise investment.

In the case of Chaum, patents are not the problem.  AFAIK, SW patents are 
still not recognized in a number of major countries (Australia, NZ, SA, 
etc.).  Since the Chaum patents are practiced only on the client side, it 
should be trivial to create/distribute the SW from one of these 
jurisdictions.  One could even include a client controlled SW switch 
setting to enable blinding and present it as "an increased security 
setting" with appropriate warnings about possible IP issues depending upon 
the locale of the client.


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