Harmon Seaver wrote:

>   I don't see that Saddam is any less moral than Dubbya and Asscruft.

What can you possibly mean by saying this?  You lose all credibility for
real criticism when you utter such inanities.  It's like comparing a
shoplifter with Jeffrey Dahmer.  Either you're ignorant of what Saddam is
about or you have no sense of proportion.

Or maybe I'm just not paying attention.  Was I not watching the news the
night when Bush, after seizing power, marched onto the floors of Congress in
front of cameras and had 21 top officials hauled off for summary execution,
as Saddam did in 1979?  (btw, the U.S. had nothing to do with Saddam taking

Did I miss it when Bush had Colin Powell's brother tortured to death, like
Saddam did with his foreign minister's son?

I must have missed the revelation of the prison where Bush is holding
children hostage, like Saddam's prison which was too horrible for Scott
Ritter to talk about.

I must have missed the testimony about Bush crippling and maiming children
with torture.
(http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/from_our_own_correspondent/2058253.stm or

I must have missed the thousands of political prisoners executed.  I must
have missed it when Bush invaded Canada AND Mexico.  I think my radio was
broken the day Bush gassed Berkeley.

Get a clue!  Check out Amnesty International's annual report on Iraq.
http://www.amnesty.org/ailib/aireport/ar99/mde14.htm or ANY OTHER YEAR!

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