On Thursday 14 November 2002 12:16 pm, Harmon Seaver wrote:
     >    It's all relative 

Ya, very relative.

     >-- what Dubbya and Asscruft have done to destroy
     > freedom in the US is far worse than anything Saddam has done. Iraq had
     > no freedom to lose. Is Saddam really any different than any other
     > mid-east dictator? For that matter, the people of Korea are suffering
     > far worse, and they're developing WOMD too -- why don't we attack
     > them?

Dubbya has only been in office about a year and a half, and in that time, he 
has destroyed Freedom in this country?  I don't think so.  I'm still able to 
practice my religion freely.  I can criticize my government and stay out of 
prison.  I don't have soldiers living with/watching me.  Saddam is just as 
bad as most dictators, but let's not confuse the issue; he's still a DICTATOR!

     >    Dubbya and Asscruft have millions of people in prison for doing
     > nothing wrong, only violating their bullshit rules in the War On Some
     > Drugs. 

Hey, the law is posted.  You may not agree with it, but it is the law.  I 
wouldn't have agreed with Prohibition, but I would have followed the law 
while at the same time trying to abolish it.  Guess what, I have that 
freedom, still.  Personall, I don't care what you do in the privacy of your 
own home, but I won't want to drive on the same street, go to work with, or 
have my child watched, by anyone who is high on some drug.  If that means 
smoking dope keeps someone from being imployed, that's not my problem.

     >They have killed thousands of innocent Afghans, and are intent
     > on murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis just to steal
     > their oil. This makes Dubbya a mass-murder far beyond the scale of
     > Saddam.

Well, mass-murder is a bit strong.  I believe we are motivated by oil; not 
arguement there.  Perhapse Dubbya is looking out for the US's, and his own? 
best interests.  I'll bet you drive a car and like a warm home, and like that 
electricity stuff.  Well, it all NEEDS OIL!  The average American Sheep would 
riot in the street if they couldn't drive their SUV to church on sunday.

     >    Not that Klinton was any better.

Not EVEN going to go there.... <grin>

Mike Diehl
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