On Monday, November 18, 2002, at 12:59  PM, Tyler Durden wrote:

These aren't meant as rhetorical "I'm making a really good point" questions, but actual questions. Depending on your answer, I wonder how you feel about the WTC (along with a few thousand people) getting taken out by an American Airlines "Smart Missle".

Interested to hear your response. (And no, I don't think the answer is necessarily obvious by anyone who's "thinking correctly".)
First, please don't "top post." Comment on what you want to comment on and snip the rest.

Second, the archives are there for a reason. Read past opinions, don't just abstract out a few months' worth of recent traffic and project what you believe my politics to be.

Third, there are good reasons why two of our list members have been sentenced to long jail terms by Big Brother, why some have fled the country, and why the Treasury Department's Criminal Investigation Unit published my SS number and declared in documents that I am a suspected criminal of some sort (yet to be determined in their secret court proceedings).

You, by being on this list, are already on _their_ list. They already know where in NYC you work. They have probably already contacted your firm to make discreet inquiries. And don't forget, as they surely won't, that "Tyler Durden" detonated a series of skyscrapers as his final act.

Crypto is a tool of war, a tool to destroy those who are stealing our liberty. If eggs get broken, that's the nature of war. To not fight a war because "innocents will die" is to simply concede victory to the side that _will_ fight the war.

Grow up. Did you think this was some kind of crypto hobbyist, Sunday code puzzle group?

--Tim May

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