On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, Kevin Elliott wrote:

> At 14:06 -0700  on  11/19/02, Mike Diehl wrote:
> >>  The british got VERY upset with us because of a tendency
> >>  to shoot officers which was considered very bad "form".  I believe it
> >>  was common practice to hang anyone found armed with a rifle for what
> >>  amounted to war crimes.  But again, very poor rate of fire kept them
> >>  from replacing the smoothbore.
> >
> >This probably stemmed from the aristocratic culture of the times....?
> It's probably partly historical as well (meaning there used to be a 
> good reason).  Think about a large conscript army, basically 
> completely undisciplined by todays standard.  Very poor 
> communication, so the officer core on site has nearly complete 
> autonomy.  Killing a large piece of that officer core could very well 
> remove any constraints on the soldiers behavior.  Next thing you know 
> the orderly army has turned into a marauding barbarian horde.  That's 
> not good for either side.

I always thought this was hype generated by the Officer cadre to
cover their butts.
Discipline was dolled out by the NCOs, not officers. Killing the
officers might piss off a few, but certainly not all, esp in a
conscript unit. The NCOs are in charge, the Officers have the 
agenda. Kill the officer, kill the agenda. 

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