On Tuesday 19 November 2002 08:26 am, Tyler Durden wrote:
     > "If we left them alone, we'd be in constant
     > fear of various types of terrorism funded by many governments in that
     > region. We'd always be a hostage to OPEC."
     > These are probably the same arguments used by our state department,
     > and I have to take exception with them. US involvement with the middle
     > east goes back to before the Shah took power, and its been down hill
     > ever since. And now, we have Troops in Saudi, sell arms to the
     > Israelis (who are for the most part Europeans...how d'ya think that
     > looks to people in the region?), supported Sadam, the Turkish
     > government, and prop up the corrupt Saudi Royal family. It's been a

Granted.  I wish we could go back to isolationism, but as the worlds only 
remaining Super Power, that seems unlikely.  No matter what we do, we simply 
can't win.  When faced with a game I can't win, I either decide to not play, 
or I cheat.  For the US, the first isn't an option.

     > disastrous, meddling foreign policy that creates huge regional
     > instability, and that eventually cost my hometown 3000 lives on
     > 9/11/01.

No, our policy didn't crash those planes into the WTC.  Evil men did.  It's 
important to keep that thought clear.  Otherwise, you open up the possiblity 
of someone beating you to death because you refused to do whatever they 
wanted.  Please don't take that as a personal threat, it's just an 

     > Unfortunately, terrorism is probably a predictable response by people
     > who want to be able to control their own destinies, select their own
     > leaders and forms of goivernment and so on. 

Yes, it's just a "new" form of warfare.  During the Revolutionary War, we 
also deviced a new form af warfare.  If you recall, the English had this 
habbit of marching and fighing in formation.  We were able to pick them off 
from the hills as they marched.  The wouldn't leave formation, and we 
slaughtered them, quite un-gentlemanlike, btw.  The difference with terrorism 
is that terrorism doesn't target soldiers.  It targets 3000 civilian people 
in your hometown.  Maybe next time they target MY water supply.

If we got the hell out of
     > there, it would be tough going for a while, but eventually the
     > motivation for terrorism would dissapate. And let us not forget that
     > bin Laden (an expert terrorist) was a Mujahadeen fighter in
     > Afghanistan. And guess who trained them in the arts of terror?

I hear a flock of hens coming home to roost.....

Mike Diehl
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