James A. Donald:
> > If the US trys to avoid civilian casualties, this is not 
> > out of fear and weakness.  Indeed, when we observe the 
> > recent past, it seems that it is failure to commit 
> > sufficient murder that provokes these attacks.

On 24 Mar 2003 at 17:41, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> This is dire lunacy. Currently US is perceived as an agressor 
> by the majority of the world,

Exactly so.  If the US murdered as many people as those it is 
perceived as aggressing against, then, like the Soviet Union, 
it would no longer be perceived as the aggressor, no matter how 
many people it subjugated or countries it invaded.  It would 
get a free pass for its crimes, as the Soviet Union did.

Recall that the he Soviet Union was slaughtering Muslims in 
enormous numbers, and today's Russia continues to murder them 
in numbers vastly greater than comparatively modest murders 
that Israel commits, and no one thought to launch terror 
attacks on the Soviet Union.  There are a few terror attacks on 
todays Russia, but far fewer than on Israel.  What is the 

The moral is, murder more innocents, suffer less terror, less 
protests.  Does anyone recall a protest against the Soviet 
Union when it was murdering Muslims by the trainload?  If 
today's Russia murdered as many innocents as the former Soviet 
Union, they would have no terror problem at all.

If you do not murder women and children, people think you are 
weak.  So they attack.     The more Iraqi children the US 
napalms, the safer every US resident who works in a tall 
building will be, and less our cities will be troubled with

         James A. Donald

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