
They are not working very well or US since the iraqi's
are using gps jammers and US are already in a row with
russians claiming that they sold it to iraq.

Regards Sarath.

--- Tim May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday, March 25, 2003, at 03:30  AM, Ken Brown
> wrote:
> > Declan McCullagh wrote:
> >
> >>> Or perhaps we'll see someone take a
> GPS-controlled small plane, which
> >>> can carry 1,000 lbs, and turn it into a flying
> bomb or delivery 
> >>> system
> >>> for something quite noxious. These planes can be
> rented by the hour 
> >>> at
> >>> hundreds of small to medium sized airports
> around the U.S. Though I
> >>> don't know if the autopilot is configurable
> enough to let an attacker
> >>> program it to head to a certain altitude at a
> certain location and
> >>> then bail out via parachute.
> >
> > Another novel that came out with the idea - and
> the first one to
> > explicitly mention GPS AFAIR - was "The Moon
> Goddess and the Son" by
> > Donald Kingsbury from 1987 (incorporating parts
> from stories in Analog
> > back in the 1970s)  which has an Afghan refugee
> studying aero
> > engineering  in the US and setting up light planes
> to autopilot an
> > attack on the Kremlin.  (To be honest when I first
> heard the news about
> > 9/11 that's what I thought might have happened - 
> until I saw a TV
> > screen I didn't realise they were passenger
> planes)
> And of course it was in 1987 that the German
> teenager Matthias Rust 
> flew a Cessna over the border into the USSR and
> buzzed Red Square, so 
> it's not clear who had the idea first.
> (I remember the name but not the year, so I used
> Google to find it.)
> The general idea of using "asymmetric warfare," via
> RC planes, bombs, 
> etc., is really not very new. Torching an enemy's
> village in the middle 
> of the night is a time-honored form of asymmetric
> warfare, though the 
> War Lawyers have been trying to force armies to wear
> Official Uniforms 
> and march in Official Patterns.
> --Tim May
> "That the said Constitution shall never be construed
> to authorize 
> Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press
> or the rights of 
> conscience; or to prevent the people of the United
> States who are 
> peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms."
> --Samuel Adams

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