On 24 Mar 2003 at 22:05, Declan McCullagh wrote:
> I fear that's right. We have substantially increased our
> number of enemies capable of causing us serious damage (and
> have the requiste means, motive, and opportunity)

Observe the marked decline in terrorist acts.  Recollect that
9/11 was the second attempt to bring down the two towers and
one of many large scale terrorist acts directed at Americans. 
Since Afghanistan, there have been no comparable attempts.  The
Australians got a bit of terror for their actions in East
Timor, whereupon they threatened the Indonesians that if they
did not clean up Indonesia, the Australians would do it for
them.  Since then, they have had no further significant
problems either.

All of the terrorists, and most of the protestors, think that
if one do not kill innocents, it is a sign of weakness, and
they strike at weakness. 

         James A. Donald

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