You don't need to get that complicated. Just pick a keyword (eg, CPUNK),
and require it's presence in the subject line. This method has been used to
great effect in usenet newsgroups, even if the keyword does not change for

Spambot software simply doesn't handle per-address rules beyond including
the username in the message.

I've proposed this before - any bets as to how long before Jim C or Tim
us to start our own list?


> ----------
> From:         Eric Cordian[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> If we implement some sort of posting cookie, it should be bakable by any
> user wishing to post, and work with every conceivable variety of OS and
> mailer. 
> One scheme which comes to mind is to allow people to mail their posts
> to "N+cypherpunks@*" where N is the number of non-whitespace characters
> in the subject of the post, exclusive of Subject: and Re:.
> People subscribing could then elect to receive only those posts where 
> N matched, or to receive all posts.  While the N+cypherpunks addresses
> would of course end up on spam lists, statistically, the spam would get
> cut by a factor of around 20 for people who chose to filter.
> This would have the following features. 
> 1.  It would be very simple to implement. 
> 2.  It would be end-user filtering, which people would be able to elect.
> 3   It doesn't require any complicated software on the list processing
>     end, and no software at all on the user end. 
> 4.  People who don't want to mess with it will never know it's there. 
> This is just one way to do it.  I'm sure people will think up better
> variations. 
> -- 
> Eric Michael Cordian 0+
> O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
> "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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