On 31 May 2000 06:01:17 -0500, Eric Cordian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>If we implement some sort of posting cookie, it should be bakable by any
>user wishing to post, and work with every conceivable variety of OS and
>One scheme which comes to mind is to allow people to mail their posts
>to "N+cypherpunks@*" where N is the number of non-whitespace characters
>in the subject of the post, exclusive of Subject: and Re:.

It's much simpler to do it the way the various mail2news gateways do it:


where MMDDYYYY is the current date.  Posts where the given date matches the
current date (to +/- a few days) should have a special header added by the
listserver, like:

        X-Nospam-Date-Verified: true

This way, no posts need to be dropped; those who wish to can filter on that
header and toss stuff that doesn't have that header.  Also, the server
could automatically add that header for all posts coming from its

In fact, now that I think about it, scrap all that.  Just have the
listserver add the following header if the post comes from someone
subscribed to the list:

        X-From-Subscriber:  true

This alone would eliminate most of the spam and require nothing as
difficult as sending to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".

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