Tim May (in whose killfile I reside) wrote:

>> I support periodic name changes. This is one reason people sometimes 
>> change their usernames and/or ISPs: they've gotten on too many spam 
>> lists. Or their phone numbers. Or in extreme cases, their countries. 
>> A fresh start is sometimes needed.

While I like Peter Trei's suggestion that sticking fixed text in the
subject line is simpler than computing an even trivial checksum of it, I
still like the idea of perturbing the listserver address in some clever
way, and allowing the Subject: line to contain arbitrary text.

I loathe "CDR," and seeing anything in capitals on every post, even "CP,"
is going to continue to remind me of it.

>> However, there's nothing that says the Cypherpunks list has to have 
>> a persistent address, with a time constant of years. A name change 
>> every quarter or so, with existing subscribers carried over to the 
>> new name, would help with advertising spam.

Assholes are deliberately subscribing the list to other mailing lists.  
We need something that blocks posts not meeting some criteria random posts
are unlikely to satisfy.

>> A second possibility is to do what many lists do: only allow posts 
>> by subscribers.

In the words of that guy in alt.config, "No."

>> This would screen out Hotmail, My-Deja, and similar "weak tech" 
>> pseudo-anonmyizers, but this is also so much the better.


Ok, here's a revision on my proposed solution.  How about allowing people
to voluntarily mail to "username+cypherpunks@*"?  I would mail to
emc+cypherpunks, Tim would mail to tcmay+cypherpunks, Declan would mail to
declan+cypherpunks, etc.

People who mailed to the list from grepped addresses would obviously not
satisfy the criteria, and we would allow users to voluntarily elect to get
only posts in which the username was correctly prepended to the address.

Again, this would satisfy my earlier criteria, namely that it would be
invisible to people who didn't care, trivial for anyone to comply with,
and selectable by the end user.

I like this much better than seeing "CDR", "CP", "CPUNK", or other such
efluvia on every post.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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