On Sun, 28 Aug 2016 22:38:16 +0000 (UTC)
jim bell <jdb10...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I think that what you don't realize is that it is very difficult to
> keep everyone outof a market...unless this restriction is actually
> assisted by some government.  Imentioned the Epi-Pen problem, where
> the price was increased by about a factorof 5 recently.  How could
> they get away with that?  EASY, because the FDA had refused to
> approve a competing product.

        It should also be mentioned that the whole 'pharma' industry is
        nothign but a huge mafia created by the state thanks to
        'intelectual' 'property' privileges such as patents and

        Actually, the majority of 'capitalist' 'free market' industry
        exists only because of the government's 'intelectual property' 

> Also, the case of Daraprim, in which the
> price of that drug was raised by about a factor of 56.
>  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Shkreli That drug, I think, was
> actually off-patent, which to an ordinary person implies that just
> anyone can come in and make that product, competing with the sole
> manufacturer.   As the late John Belushi would have said, "BUT

        Right. If the patent scam fails there are other scams

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Q4JfaHjAng Turns out that
> the FDA prohibited other companies from manufacturing andselling
> Daraprim, despite the expiration of the patent. See how this works?
>  Restricting markets is EASY when you have government on your side.
>  Restricting markets is very difficult when you don't. Restrictions
> such as this are virtually invisible to the ordinary consumer.  All
> theysee is the price of the product going up.  They don't know why.  
> >It is an honest question. I am an anarchist myself but cannot think
> >of a solution to this problem without regulation.
> Think about this.    https://cryptome.org/ap.htm   
> I wrote this in 1995/96.       Jim Bell

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