On 08/28/2016 08:19 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

> Oh Mirimir! You make an amazing point!!
>    "Please! Think of the poor sellers!"

Debate 101 FAIL. In order to make your case you're going to have to be
able to argue from, and SEE the adversary's POV.

RTs DO NOT = Endorsement you know?


> On Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 09:07:53PM -0600, Mirimir wrote:
>> On 08/28/2016 08:35 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
>>> On Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 06:42:22PM -0600, Mirimir wrote:
>>>> On 08/28/2016 06:11 PM, juan wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, 28 Aug 2016 17:13:27 -0600
>>>>> Mirimir <miri...@riseup.net> wrote:
>>>>>> sugar with
>>>>>> lead acetate, just because it happens to cost less. That used to be
>>>>>> fairly common, back in the day. Or assholes spiking their "vodka" with
>>>>>> methanol. Or assholes spiking their "heroin" with fentanyl, or
>>>>>> whatever opiate agonist they can get cheapest. Or assholes spiking
>>>>>> their dried milk with melamine, to boost apparent protein content.
>>>>>> Etc etc etc.
>>>>>> I suppose that AP could handle that. But many customers will get
>>>>>> fucked up before bids get high enough to take out sellers. Or we
>>>>>> could have private enforcement handle regulation. Regulation as a
>>>>>> service ;)
>>>>>   Or  counsumers could use some 'due diligence' 
>>>> Do you know how to test your sugar for lead, Juan? Or your dried milk
>>>> for melamine? Or your ethanol for methanol?
>>> No. But I do know folks who know how to, and whom I trust. I also know I
>>> am capable, if with a lot of research reading and learning, to be
>>> competent to do so.
>>> I also have faith that fully deregulated, or rather de-coerced, markets
>>> will have such voids amply filled.
>> That's easy to say. But the solution would arguably be just as coercive
>> as government, from a sellers' perspective.
> Oh Mirimir! You make an amazing point!!
>    "Please! Think of the poor sellers!"
> I really had not thought of them - seriously. I figured the market
> would, one way or another, "take care" of evil doers.
> But I guess you're right, I guess we could possibly see vigilante
> justice take hold and all the poor sellers will be lynched.
> I know! I know! How about we introduce a World Food And Drug
> Administration, to keep the lynching mobs at bay and protect all the
> poor sellers? Would that solve this problem?
>>> I hear (others say) that in Copenhagen clubs, patrons would rarely
>>> consider purchasing MDMA from any "street seller" ever - only from the
>>> club itself, and to top it off, these clubs also provide or sell
>>> "testing kits" to test either your own or the club's MDMA.
>> That's a very specific example. There are just too many things to
>>> We live a sheltered life in most of the West..
>> We do indeed. Be careful shopping for raw sugar in your tropical
>> mercado. Sometimes it's extra sweet, because they boiled it down in
>> copper vats, with lead soldered seams ;)
> Are you now saying that consumer prudence and a market for testing stuff
> might be A Good Thing (TM) ?

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