> My initial reaction was "fuck y'all." Subsequent
> experience has proved my instinctive anarchist response correct.

> America's real silent majority, our classic Liberals, have no voice

> Meanwhile, thanks to many contributing factors that all come back to
> "make money fast, at any human cost," we remain on track for human
> extinction.  My own informal model, based on 40 years of obsessive
> attention to relevant geophysical data and models, indicates that at
> most single digit millions of humans will survive into the 2200s, with
> full extinction likely to follow within another century.  Setting an
> extinction date presents challenges:  The last humans will live under
> conditions similar to long-stay missions to Mars, but with abundant
> water and relatively convenient air pressure and temperature as major
> advantages.  As on Mars, a few minutes of unprotected exposure "outside"
> will be fatal.  One might wish our future Earth Colonists all the best...
> But that's another story: Search on NOVA Mass Extinction, then look for
> a mirror because WGBS no longer hosts that file.  When I'm really in the
> zone, I imagine that plans for Mars missions exist to provide cover for
> technology incubators developing methods for human survival under
> upcoming atmospheric and etc. conditions right here on Sol III Prime.
> "Gentlemen, we can not allow a Mine Shaft Gap!"
> vs. we can not afford to put off the business of shutting the
> Petrochemicals industry right the fuck down, and fast.  No aboveground
> political faction on the Left or Right, so called, will stand for that;
> they would literally kill you first, in an effort to discourage others.
>  So the final answer is left as a lab exercise... for all the marbles.


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