With all the graft, nepotism, corruption, lies, hypocrisy, taxation, and
endless bad (to terrible) laws and regulations, "we the people" get, in
"our" democracy, ONE lousy vote every 4 years!

That tiny, almost insignificant right to have the most minimal say in
"our" system.

But for the demon rats (of any colour, any team) even that was too much
to allow us.

No, the demon rats had to steal that one last final minimal and almost
insignificant dignity too...

This has to be the downright nastiest, condescending, destructive way to
destroy that final shred giving even the 'purport' of legitimacy to the
system that the demon rat grifters profit so highly from for year after
year, decade after decade!

Think about THAT for a moment - the last bastion of the smallest
dignity, a man's vote, just one amongst 100s of millions, and only once
every four years - that final "democratic legitimacy" justifying all the
corruption, and that tiny little vote also had to be stolen - thrown
mercilessly to the highest bidder and thereby smashing on the rocks the
last and final bastion of legitimacy for the whole system.

Blood lust?  Executions for treason:

Is it any wonder that congressional Democrats are rushing to condemn
execution - even of a man who brutally raped and buried a girl alive?

   Congressional Democrats condemn execution of man who brutally raped
   and buried a girl alive
       High-profile Democratic representatives came out against the
       death penalty on Saturday after a man who brutally raped and
       buried a 16-year-old girl alive was finally executed in Indiana
       under the Trump administration. …

Bring on the executions for all those directly involved in the treason,
and substantial jail for the rest involved.  Make it big, keep it real.

It ain't real if it ain't real.

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