No one like these exec's or deep staters will ever face serious charges
until we have private criminal prosecutions or a revolution.

On Thu, Dec 10, 2020, 12:20 PM Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:

> To what extent could charges of treason be sustained in the SCOTUS against
> executives of CNN, MSNBC, AP and other fake news "MSM" corporations?
> We want to see actual treason, actually sustainable in SCOTUS cases (you
> must always target the highest court, not the lower courts, even though you
> begin by filing in lower courts).
> Treason, leading to executions.
> It ain't real if it ain't real.
> The game needs to be real.
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 08:11:16PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > With all the graft, nepotism, corruption, lies, hypocrisy, taxation, and
> > endless bad (to terrible) laws and regulations, "we the people" get, in
> > "our" democracy, ONE lousy vote every 4 years!
> >
> > That tiny, almost insignificant right to have the most minimal say in
> > "our" system.
> >
> > But for the demon rats (of any colour, any team) even that was too much
> > to allow us.
> >
> > No, the demon rats had to steal that one last final minimal and almost
> > insignificant dignity too...
> >
> >
> > This has to be the downright nastiest, condescending, destructive way to
> > destroy that final shred giving even the 'purport' of legitimacy to the
> > system that the demon rat grifters profit so highly from for year after
> > year, decade after decade!
> >
> >
> > Think about THAT for a moment - the last bastion of the smallest
> > dignity, a man's vote, just one amongst 100s of millions, and only once
> > every four years - that final "democratic legitimacy" justifying all the
> > corruption, and that tiny little vote also had to be stolen - thrown
> > mercilessly to the highest bidder and thereby smashing on the rocks the
> > last and final bastion of legitimacy for the whole system.
> >
> >
> > Blood lust?  Executions for treason:
> >
> > Is it any wonder that congressional Democrats are rushing to condemn
> > execution - even of a man who brutally raped and buried a girl alive?
> >
> >    Congressional Democrats condemn execution of man who brutally raped
> >    and buried a girl alive
> >
> >        High-profile Democratic representatives came out against the
> >        death penalty on Saturday after a man who brutally raped and
> >        buried a 16-year-old girl alive was finally executed in Indiana
> >        under the Trump administration. …
> >
> >
> >
> > Bring on the executions for all those directly involved in the treason,
> > and substantial jail for the rest involved.  Make it big, keep it real.
> >
> > It ain't real if it ain't real.

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