On 12/10/20, jam...@echeque.com <jam...@echeque.com> wrote:
> On 2020-12-10 22:49, Steven Schear wrote:
>> No one like these exec's or deep staters will ever face serious charges
>> until we have private criminal prosecutions or a revolution.
> Sure they will.  The deep state is chronically disunited.  We have been
> through this many times in history.  With the normal processes of the
> Republic (elections, due process, etcetera dead) there is no means of
> resolving conflicts within the elite, which will turn increasingly
> violent.

This political violence will of course excuse itself from prosecution
too, similar to how political and other speech censorship by
Media+Tech+Social has now justified itself.

> Eventually one man will seize total power - either a rightist,
> like Sulla, or a leftist like Napoleon or Stalin.

Indeed, history shows the descent of all countries follows some
commonly worn paths... dictatorship, invasion, implosion / revolution.

> Right now we have Soros and Trump looking for the job, but chaos may
> well continue for a long time, with no end of increasingly rapid and
> drastic changes.

They will die of old age soon, even some like Biden already have
Alzheimers and Parkinsons, so no real job for them but as props.
Yet their money will live on to support future seekers... and
among them are some more rabid and extreme ones on all sides.

Sue to get it civil forfeited to you, lol.

> I could visit many times in history where what is happening now has
> happened before.
> It usually ends with most of the guilty dead, albeit an awful lot of the
> innocent also dead.  The process usually takes decades.

Which opens question... history has not added any new tricks
to its toolbag regarding avoiding paths... or once going down a path,
much lessened or altered its allocation of deadness between guilty
and innocent.

Could AP present a new tool, one which unlike history of
- States against subjects as oppression
- Side vs side among people as civil war
- People against States as revolution
all leading to mass ruin before being resolved into next utopia...
might create a more peaceful path, less exposure on the whole,
perhaps through education as to its best use.
Could participants self limit its scope of action to only
reducing inexorable growth of force based states?
Thus leaving say peace love and voluntary humans.
where voluntary might grow to be the most exalted,
respected and defended thing. Unlikely?

> Section 3 of the constitution:

> Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying
> War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and
> Comfort.

To the extent that they defined censorship as an Enemy of their
Utopia by way of 1st Amendment re Free Speech, there could
be some rhetorical traction construed against Media+Tech+Social.
And even though they are all in fact government entities / partners
(via tax code abatements, H1-B visas, operating license, banking,
roads, etc), even after they turned censor... what jury or judges
would ever see to make such charges stick. Private prosecutors
and prosecutions indeed. And Tort could still be filed.

Their utopia also did not mandate that at least some fraction
of Media always be dedicate to just "report the news fact,
not opinion and bias". Or that papers were not free to
reject submissions (youtube twitter facebook). Etc.

Maybe as utopians they were not much thinking of
possible internal threat of changes as a treason... ways as
to how their utopia, created in part via their lofty whitepaper,
could be twisted away into some dystopia.
Their external writings appear more defining of their curious utopia.
While their paper as executed into operation encoded mechanisms,
but not so much of their utopia. So it went wherever mecha go.
Such as into a government destined to grow into ruin, millions
pages of "law", etc... not much limitations on those parts did they?

Were any of today's hotlist topics ever part of their utopia...
Left Democratic Socialists?, gun grabbers, colossal size of
US Govt?, global interventionism?, brutal forced compliance
of all to all of its newly concocted whims?, anything from time
of FDR, Federal Reserve, Taxes, ID, onward? Etc?

Being humans, no paper code may ever work.

Perhaps the AI's or Aliens will be running unalterable ROM's,
a code for all humanity.

> If there was a God it would be necessary to destroy it.

This is apparently half the human condition to date.

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