On 2020-12-10 22:49, Steven Schear wrote:
> No one like these exec's or deep staters will ever face serious charges
> until we have private criminal prosecutions or a revolution.

Sure they will.  The deep state is chronically disunited.  We have been
through this many times in history.  With the normal processes of the
Republic (elections, due process, etcetera dead) there is no means of
resolving conflicts within the elite, which will turn increasingly
violent.  Eventually one man will seize total power - either a rightist,
like Sulla, or a leftist like Napoleon or Stalin.

Right now we have Soros and Trump looking for the job, but chaos may
well continue for a long time, with no end of increasingly rapid and
drastic changes.

Whoever it is will punish them - if a leftist, the Revolution devours
its children, if a Sulla, will crush them because left.

Either way whoever becomes dictator will kick down the ladder by which
he became dictator.

I could visit many times in history where what is happening now has
happened before.

It usually ends with most of the guilty dead, albeit an awful lot of the
innocent also dead.  The process usually takes decades.  Was
refreshingly quick in Rome the first time around, but took a horribly
long time in Rome the second time around.

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