Declan, you condescending prig, I did read your message and 
was trying to askance your clubfingeredness about "possession," 
which isn't as monolithic as you vaunt and which smacked 
overmuch of LEAs' agressive erasure of distinctions.

Hector me not, for the failure to look behind heavy-handed
law enforcement, dementia, concerning kiddie porn can
be interpreted as complicity, or worse, distancing from the
obligation to relook, rethink, and re-examine one's own
proclivities to avoid the worst dispute in the country.

The pathology of kiddie porn is probably the vilest plague
upon the land, and that is due to bravehearts running scared
of the infected nuts who may, if they have their way, beat
out abortion and guns and vile government as pointless

Come back, Smokey, tell me something new about what's
wrong with "possession" in this particular case, not what
is in the read the fucking manual before I waste my time
wasting mine.


I'm trying a new pseudo-comprehensible writing style, so 
fuck off. No vanity sig just yet but it will come.

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