On Wednesday, September 5, 2001, at 11:44 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Well, I'm not totally retarded but I still don't always follow JYA that
> well. I'll keep trying.
> Did the OH guy have a lawyer? If so, did he follow the advice he was
> given?
> While I would not myself send the guy to prison for his writings however
> goofy or sick I may find them, a person who writes this stuff runs a
> serious risk of my interpreting even the slightest action on his part as
> intent and of getting himself gutted in the spot.
> The thoughts color the interpretation of the actions.
> Mike
Sorry, Mike, but you're way too fixated on this "thought + actions" rut 
you've fallen into.

The guy in Ohio was not busted because of some "intent" charge, but 
because the possession of those writings alone.

Several articles a few months back...

--Tim May

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