> Forgive me for being absurd, but is there a limit to the number
> of copilots a plane can have?  I mean, if the pilot and the first
> three co-pilots happened to die of old age simultaneously,
> it'd make sense to have a fourth copilot as a back-up,
> right?

Right, except that the co-pilot isn't just someone who could be the
co-pilot, he's the person acting as the co-pilot.  Just as there can
only be one person flying pilot-in-command, there's only one person
who can fly right seat, and the person actually doing so is the
co-pilot.  If that co-pilot died and someone else took over, that
person would then be the co-pilot.  Everyone else is just a passenger,
despite the fact that some of them may have a pilot's license.

Riad Wahby
MIT VI-2/A 2002

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