Am 2008-11-29 um 19:39 schrieb Ed Leafe:

>> For DnD on the icon I need to implement MacOpenFile within wx.App, as
>> I wrote; wx's event loop (or whatever) cares for the OpenFile apple
>> event.
>> I tried monkey patching wx.App via uiApp, but I run into the same
>> problem as John: uiApp should be wx.App, but isn't, at least not  
>> while
>> afterInit runs.
>       You are referencing this as self.Application.uiApp, right?
>       Perhaps if you posted the patch you are trying to use, we can see
> about incorporating it.

It doesn't work like I tried:

class fieeApp(dabo.dApp):

     def afterInit(self):
         self.Application.uiApp.MacOpenFile = self.MacOpenFile

     def MacOpenFile(self, filename):
         dabo.infoLog.write(u'MacOpenFile: %s' % f)

I always get an AttributeError: 'fieeApp' has no attribute 'uiApp'.

Maybe afterInit is the wrong place - but where else?

Greetlings from Lake Constance!
--- (I'm an assurer)

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