Ed Leafe wrote:
> Since you are moving the bizobj record pointer when you select nodes  
> on the tree, it probably would make sense to check for pending changes  
> before doing the seek.
I moved the save into the TreeSelection menu.  However, I am still 
having a problem.  I have the following code that fires on the Tree 
Selection bizobj:

    def updateBizobj(self, evt):
        if self.taskBizobj.isChanged():
            print "saving bizobj"

        print "moving to PK"

I make a change to the dEditBox and click directly on another node in 
the tree.  The event fires and isChanged() is returning false, then we 
move to the new PK.  Now, if I go click on another node, isChanged 
returns true and the bizobj is saved.  However, the value in dEditBox 
gets attached to the second node and not the first node like it should.  
I bound a method to the ValueChanged event on the dEditBox that had a 
print statement in it to see if the ValueChanged event was being 
recognized and fired before or after the TreeSelection selection event.  
It is firing after the TreeSelection event, which leads me to believe 
that the code that updates the bizobj is not being fired until that 
event is called.  If this is the case, I think that this is a bug in the 
events system, though I don't know what we can do about it.

This has not been a show stopper.  I simply changed my code above to the 
following below and everything worked.  However, I still think that this 
should be fixed.

    def onNodeChange(self, evt):

    def updateBizobj(self):
        if self.taskBizobj.isChanged():
            print "saving bizobj"

        print "moving to PK"



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