On Tuesday 18 August 2009 11:25:35 am Nate Lowrie wrote:
> Ed Leafe wrote:
> > Since you are moving the bizobj record pointer when you select nodes
> > on the tree, it probably would make sense to check for pending changes
> > before doing the seek.
> I moved the save into the TreeSelection menu.  However, I am still
> having a problem.  I have the following code that fires on the Tree
> Selection bizobj:
>     def updateBizobj(self, evt):
>         if self.taskBizobj.isChanged():
>             print "saving bizobj"
>             self.taskBizobj.save()
>         print "moving to PK"
>         self.taskBizobj.moveToPK(self.taskNodeDic[self.Selection])
>         self.Form.update()
> I make a change to the dEditBox and click directly on another node in
> the tree.  The event fires and isChanged() is returning false, then we
> move to the new PK.  Now, if I go click on another node, isChanged
> returns true and the bizobj is saved.  However, the value in dEditBox
> gets attached to the second node and not the first node like it should.
> I bound a method to the ValueChanged event on the dEditBox that had a
> print statement in it to see if the ValueChanged event was being
> recognized and fired before or after the TreeSelection selection event.
> It is firing after the TreeSelection event, which leads me to believe
> that the code that updates the bizobj is not being fired until that
> event is called.  If this is the case, I think that this is a bug in the
> events system, though I don't know what we can do about it.
> This has not been a show stopper.  I simply changed my code above to the
> following below and everything worked.  However, I still think that this
> should be fixed.
>     def onNodeChange(self, evt):
>         dabo.ui.callAfter(self.updateBizobj)
>     def updateBizobj(self):
>         if self.taskBizobj.isChanged():
>             print "saving bizobj"
>             self.taskBizobj.save()
>         print "moving to PK"
>         self.taskBizobj.moveToPK(self.taskNodeDic[self.Selection])
>         self.Form.update()
> Regards,
> Nate

Correct me if I'm wrong.  You are saying that the tree event is firing before 
the bizobj realizes that a field was changed.  Did you by chance check 
old.value vs. new.value  (not sure what the real code should be) in the 
onNodeChange method? 

I would have thought the lostfocus would have fired first.


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