On Monday 12 October 2009 03:39:44 pm Ed Leafe wrote:
> On Oct 12, 2009, at 5:13 PM, John wrote:
> > What is your opinion of "Pyjamas"?  I have not used it yet but was
> > considering
> > using it to create the UI for a website.  Is it better from a python
> > point of
> > view?  Or would one be better off using straight javascript.
>       I saw a very limited demo of it a while back, and wasn't terribly
> impressed. IMO, fighting against the design of something is always a
> bad idea. If it allowed the browser to natively run Python code, that
> would be one thing, but all it does is generate crude Javascript. I'd
> rather learn to write decent JS.
> -- Ed Leafe



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