I also reversed the test change of line 82. So only line 88 was changed.
> Very clever - Thanks Ed
> -- Fraser Burns
> _______
Today I then tested it on a Windows box.
A slightly different fault appeared.
When you are in the  Dem0 > dLabel > Word Wrap page ... moving the 
border causes the appropriate response.
But move the slider and only the first line is visible, up to the 
distance of the slider, all the rest is blank until such time as you let 
go of the slider and grab the side of the window, then it behaves again.

We solved the problem by adding in a new line 99 which reads.
96            def onSlider(self, evt):
97                wd = (self.slider.Value/100.0) * self.slider.Width
98                self.gettyLabel.Width = wd
99                self.layout()         # << added this line

1. Does this fault appear for others?
2. Does this fix affect anything else?
-- Fraser Burns

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