> The appendDataSet() method, it doesn't do anything with you data.
No. With the debugger I see the data in the bizObj. So the method append really 
the data to the bizObj.

>Especially, it doesn't toggle *new* row flag required to recognize row
>as modified.
>Try to do something like this:
>     cursor = biztmp._CurrentCursor
>     def toggleNewFlag():
>         cursor.setNewFlag()
>     biztmp.scanRows(toggleNewFlag, [list of appended rows])
Ok. But I did already set bizObj.SaveNewUnchanged = True. 
And if I try to do wath you say I find 2 situation:
If I append the data first than I find the _.CurrentCursor is None. So I try to 
createCursor() but than I have no data. 
If I createCursor() first and second I append data, the coursor is an other 
time None

But if I don't use your method and I follow the execution with winpdb I find 
allways the the data set correctly,
all the tests are passed except the IsAdding is False for all the records.

I start to think to export the data with a 'low level' system. I open a simple 
psycopg connection to insert the data.
Could be is un-elegant but I resolve.


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