On Oct 12, 2011, at 9:08 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:

>   In the pycon tutorial I don't find how to start dabo to continue
> application development. If I use the quickStart() method I'm told the model
> has already been created.

        Exactly. That gets you started by creating the basic directory 
structure and files.

> If I invoke main.py I get an empty frame with menus along the top.

        Of course. You are running the bare-bones application that quickStart() 

> I also see that the directory which I thought I had
> specified for the model (../jcmmodel/) has a subdirectory of itself:

        That would happen if you cd'd to the new directory and ran quickStart() 
again. You can delete that directory.

        To get back to your main issue, you need to understand the difference 
between working on your app and running your app. 'main.py' is for running the 
app. For doing further development on your app, you would either edit the 
scripts you create in your favorite text editor, or, if you prefer to use the 
visual tools, you would run the Class Designer, the Report Designer, the 
Connection Editor, etc., to launch the desired tool. As an example, if you 
wanted to edit a form named 'foo' in the ui subdirectory of your app, you'd cd 
to your app's main directory (jcmmodel in this case), and then run:

python /path/to/the/dabo/ide/ClassDesigner.py ui/foo.cdxml

-- Ed Leafe

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