On Wed, 12 Oct 2011, Ed Leafe wrote:

>       The Class Designer is not the Wizard. At this point, the Wizard has
>       finished, and created the fields you requested in the format you
>       requested, already bound to their data. Note in the property sheet
>       that the DataField and DataSource values for the selected text box
>       have already been set.


>       The object is in a grid sizer, which lays out its controls in a grid
>       pattern. The height/width/top/left is controlled by the sizer, not
>       the control's properties, which are essentially read-only in this
>       situation.

   So I'll just use wxPython to resize the grid sizer, remove the unwanted
narrow blank row, and add two other controls.

>       If you are not familiar with sizers and how they are supposed to
>       work, you should do some reading in the wxPython docs, or read the
>       section on 'Sizers' in the Dabo tutorial document.

   I've used wxPython and Python to build applications. What I wanted to
learn was how to modify what dabo created when I have to leave it unfinished
and go back to finishing forms later. Guess doing that in the code rather
than the GUI is the way to go.


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