El 15/12/2013 15:56, Ricardo Aráoz escribió:
El 15/12/2013 13:35, Paul McNett escribió:

On Dec 15, 2013, at 8:19, Ricardo Aráoz <ricar...@gmail.com> wrote:

El 15/12/2013 10:36, Ricardo Aráoz escribió:
Done. It works!!!
So what are the options you wish to explore.
There's something strange going on with events in windows.
I am binding a dButton's KeyUp event. It would seem that the KeyUp event gets fired when the button GETS focus and the event key is the key pressed in the previous control (usually a Tab). In linux works as expected and the KeyUp event will fire for keys pressed when the button has got focus (usually Tab or shift+Tab), which allows me to keep track of what the user is pretending to do when leaving the control.

Each platform has it's own event model. On windows as you've found the order tends to be something like:

user clicks tab
key down for tab
got focus on new control
key up on new control
lost focus on old control

But also, nothing guarantees a particular order.

Good to know this.
Now supposedly the KeyDown event should fire when the user keys Tab. This is not happening, the KeyDown event does not fire, but the LostFocus does.

Sorry to keep on this, hope I'm not being a bore.
Just wanted to add that the <Shift> key triggers the KeyDown (multiple times if left pressed) but not the Tab key.
So I assume the KeyDown event will not be what I need.

I need to be able to save the last key pressed before the control looses focus in order to know in which direction should the focus flow (Tab or shift+Tab), and the lostFocus event has no info about that. In linux I was able to use the KeyUp event as there I can see the key pressed and wether it is shifted or not and keep those values for the lostFocus event.

As for windows I've run out of options. H
ow do you control focus flow among different containers within the same page? Am I looking at this the wrong way, is there a better way to accomplish this?

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