I am trying to fit my workflow to me personal needs.

I have for desired  workpattern:

A) I use a weak laptop to import fotos, to sort them, tag them, rate them
in the livingroom.

B) I go downstairs using a powerful PC with better display to work with DT
RAW modules or Gimp

C) I am offsite, somewhere far away and cannot await to work with newly
taken raws... I task A and start B with bad performance on a laptop. Later
I import the results together with untouched pics to central archive and
maybe start A and B again.

D) I create local copies on the laptop of old raws and take them with me.
work qwith them maybe together with workflow C's new pictures.. Later I
update the sidecars and home-DB be importing again.

A and B are done:
To be able to work with a Laptop and PC on same data I decided to put pics
and DB to a SAMBA share an a fast fileserver in my house. I mount the
filesystem with the current machine, all changes are in the NAS, DB is
fine... If I unmount and boot other machine it will find same DB, same
raws, same paths...

C and D are tricky...  having DB on a disconnected network, darktable is
not starting because the mountpoint folder /mnt/fotos is owned by root =<
no DB can be created, it crashes..

Even if I would create a local DB, discard it after a while and would
import the raws + sidecars at home again.... how to deal with local copies?

I cannot believe that I am the only one in the world with the purpose to
use a laptop offline and being in sync with a local workstation with access
to an advanced storage solution to get a centralized backup.

A professional takes pics of employees somewhere, shows first results to
customer, plays around in train with files to use the time. Arrives at
home, rates in the garden and later after kids are in bed he is using
workstation to finish the job...

Lightroom (what I used before) was unflexible as well but at least it was
supporting a DB per filmrole and did not insist that each folder is a
separat filmrole...
in exchange it rejected network based DBs and was slow.

Any ideas?  Using sidecars as info provider is possible but really slow...
I would need a DB sync of a local and central one...

Currently I only can think about using DT in a separate offline account and
copy sidecars arround.....


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