Sorry, it was using default processing, here are the correct results:

GPU: [dev_process_export] pixel pipeline processing took 64,495 secs (14,497 CPU)

CPU: [dev_process_export] pixel pipeline processing took 43,410 secs (168,420 CPU)

On domenica 27 novembre 2016 17:08:48 CET, Niccolò Belli wrote:
GPU: [dev_process_export] pixel pipeline processing took 1,253 secs (0,240 CPU)

CPU: [dev_process_export] pixel pipeline processing took 0,875 secs (3,210 CPU)

model name      : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5600U CPU @ 2.60GHz
model name      : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5600U CPU @ 2.60GHz
model name      : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5600U CPU @ 2.60GHz
model name      : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5600U CPU @ 2.60GHz
total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 7,7G 1,6G 2,3G 359M 3,8G 5,4G
Swap:          8,0G        167M        7,8G
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation HD Graphics 5500 (rev 09) Linux arch-laptop 4.8.10-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Nov 21 11:55:43 CET 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux

As you can see the cpu is ~40% faster than my Broadwell GPU.

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