Hi everybody,

I've been using Apples iPhoto since its beginning. I think now its the time to move to a better system like darktable.

As I'm really familiar with iPhoto now, so maybe I just do not understand the mechanism how photos are arranged in darktable:

I tried to import the "Originals" folder from my iPhoto-Library, but I do not get a clou how I can use the filmroll concept in a usefull way....

I think the filmrolls do have the meaning of events in iPhoto.. right?

So what can I do to import my library to darktable? Is there a way to create filmrolls from the cli? I think I could manage to acquire the information from the sqlite3.db of iPhoto when using ruby. How can I apply further data (e.g. the modified fotos) to darktable.

What I'm searching for is a shell-command like:

darktable-import --filmroll <xxx> --modified <yyy> --geotag <zzz> <list of files>

Thanks for any hint


PS: My library is ~280GB - doing something manually is not a good choice

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