
On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 8:43 AM, Georg Troska
<georg.tro...@uni-dortmund.de> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I've been using Apples iPhoto since its beginning. I think now its the time
> to move to a better system like darktable.
> As I'm really familiar with iPhoto now, so maybe I just do not understand
> the mechanism how photos are arranged in darktable:
> I tried to import the "Originals" folder from my iPhoto-Library, but I do
> not get a clou how I can use the filmroll concept in a usefull way....
> I think the filmrolls do have the meaning of events in iPhoto.. right?

hm. i have no idea about iphoto, so can't tell.

> So what can I do to import my library to darktable? Is there a way to create
> filmrolls from the cli? I think I could manage to acquire the information
> from the sqlite3.db of iPhoto when using ruby. How can I apply further data
> (e.g. the modified fotos) to darktable.

you can import recursively (there's a checkbox for that if you're
importing with the dt gui).

may i ask what kind of pictures that is? all jpg? different raws?
recursive import can be very slow on big collections and be very
frustrating if there is one corrupted picture that crashes the whole

> What I'm searching for is a shell-command like:
> darktable-import --filmroll <xxx> --modified <yyy> --geotag <zzz> <list of
> files>

no clue what your options there suggest in terms of functionality. you
can call darktable with a folder as argument, it will be imported.

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