This is not exclusively a Mac issue -- I experience the same kind of lag
on a Linux machine with a 4K monitor. The problem, as was explained when
I asked about it, is that the light table is implemented as a single GTK
widget, and is set to be completely redrawn every time the mouse is
moved on top of it. There is a Redmine bug filed for the issue:

August Schwerdfeger

On 12/26/18 12:38 PM, Rui Carmo wrote:
> Hell guys,
> Glad so see 2.6.0 out the door, but I just tried it on my retina iMac and am 
> really sad to see that the lighttable is still slow and very CPU intensive 
> (even moving the mouse around seems to keep causing full redraws).
> Are there any plans to tackle this in a point release? I’d love to go back to 
> using Darktable on the Mac (I pretty much gave up after the e-mail exchange 
> below).
> Kind regards (and happy holidays),
> R.
>> On 25 Aug 2018, at 12:02, parafin <> wrote:
>> On Sat, 25 Aug 2018 10:55:03 +0100
>> Rui Carmo <> wrote:
>>>> On 24 Aug 2018, at 10:02, parafin <> wrote:
>>>> I can't reproduce here. What macOS version are you on? I'm still on
>>>> 10.12.6.  
>>> 10.13.6. Just reproduced it now again on my MacBook, which runs the same 
>>> versions as my iMac.
>> I guess that's the difference. I'm not sure when I will have time to
>> upgrade and look at this.
>>>> How do you enter fullscreen?  
>>> By clicking on the green control widget (darktable does not honor standard 
>>> key commands like Ctrl+Cmd+F)
>> DT has its own shortcuts, namely by default it's F11, but it can be
>> changed in preferences.
>>>> How did you install darktable, did you use DMG from github page?
>>> Of course. I am not set up for developing on it (I’m a services dev, not a 
>>> desktop dev) and I don’t use brew casks, so downloading the official DMG is 
>>> the way I install most “regular” apps.
>>> Meanwhile, any chance the gigantic lag will be addressed soon? I’ve read 
>>> through the issues related to it, and it seems to be a GTK affair, but it 
>>> remains the biggest hurdle to using Darktable on the Mac.
>> I think the problem is 2-fold - slower GTK render on Mac and
>> inefficiency of lighttable rendering on big screens. Looks like making
>> thumbs smaller or/and using HiDpi resolution mode makes rendering a
>> little bit faster, but obviously that's not a fix.
>> To answer your question - I myself not planning on looking at either of
>> these bugs anytime soon. GTK problems are GTK's problems, and
>> lighttable rendering code isn't really my area.
>>> R.
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