Hi Anton,

I'm sorry if I offended you. English is not my native language and sometimes I seem to misinterpret things. And I'm not a coder ;) so my workflow depends on available software and its options. And the only thing I was trying to say is that in my case I can't work well with DT doing one thing and something like Digikam or XNView for the metadata. But for now I'm going to use XNView in cases I need the extra meta data fields and add them to the exported files.

Op 19-05-19 om 21:21 schreef Anton Aylward:
On 19/05/2019 11:04, Kneops wrote:
So your point is that it is a good thing that DT does not offer more
metadata fields?
No I did not say that.
I did not say anything about good or bad.
You are putting words into my mouth and that annoys me.

I said that there are mechanisms that render it unnecessary to bloat up an
already very  comprehensive and complex set of code with more stuff.
the point is that UNIX/Linux (and Windows but differently) have repeatedly
solved this 'bloat' issue by use of co processes and child processes to do
auxiliary work.
The mechanisms already exist, it is the interfaces that are missing, and I
wondered if that could not be done with the scripting mechanism of DT.  I've
seen similar extensions added to other tools such as GIMP and I'm using quite a
few in the web site creation tools I use.

I don't really agree, and I don't want one program for all my needs.
The trouble is that the way you are describing it all gets back to extending DT
rather than using the tools already available such as ExifTool and GIMP.

I don't think I have been under-utilising Gimp, or previously Photoshop. I
worked at a design firm for 7 years and worked with Photoshop a lot. After
that I moved to Linux and Gimp for my own business, but since using the raw
format and raw convertors I don't need Gimp most of the time.
GIMP can work with RAW.

And that's great, because of the non-destructive editing in raw convertors,
it saves me a lot of time. Most of my photographer friends now use Lightroom
99% of the time and don't need anything else, while years ago they had to do
everything with Photoshop. Now Photoshop (and Gimp) are primarily for
manipulating images or for people working in the design industry.
That's so many assumptions in that but its not worth arguing with.

All I can say is that it seems you have work-flow issues and that a better
knowledge of scripting, other Linux tools, what's actually 'under the hod' when
it comes to both RAW and JPG and other image standards, would benefit you.

My own workflow is very much script and Linux-oriented; I organise and tag and
take care of many of the issues you discuss without ever touching on DT or GIMP
or the other programs you mention.
I don't see the compatibility problems; I don't deny they exist, but the
workflow I have means I don't see them.  The scripting hides them or transforms
as needed to hide that.

Yes, I may have to manually deal with ad-hoc instances.
I usually download from cards rather than tethering, but broke a pin on a USB
adaptor so couldn't read  on of the CF cards and had  to chase up a suitable
capable.  I don't normally deal with HDMI at the signal level.
Memo to self: get spares of items on critical path.

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