Hi Lorenzo,

First a thank you for thinking about a possible solution . What you are suggestion would work I guess, but I'm not really looking forward to adding missing fields in the description field. That would mean having a text document where I would fill in what i need for one image, then copy paste that inside the description field and so on. Adding it directly into the description field I'm sure I would be adding a lot of typos, and the description field is like a text field in a web form, everything on one line.

I think I would prefer to wait for a better module, even if that for now means exporting all images in DT and then apply metadata to the jpegs when needed. If a customer doesn't need the extra fields I can always add everything in the description field, including persons, location, city, titles (artwork) etc.


Op 20-05-19 om 10:29 schreef Lorenzo Bolzani:
Il giorno dom 19 mag 2019 alle ore 20:11 Kneops <kne...@gmail.com <mailto:kne...@gmail.com>> ha scritto:

    Hi Pascal. Thanks for your reply :). So it is not a matter of
    'just' adding more fields to the current module. I was not aware
    of that, as a non-coder I did not realize it could be much more
    complex. My guess is then that you are perhaps thinking about a
    complete new tab in the Lighttable window. Something like that
    would be perfect and ofcourse mean a lot more work. But perhaps
    not necessary? I mean, I'm the one here pleeing for more metadata
    ;), but perhaps the most commonly used fields would be enough.

Current module and export code only supports exactly those 5 fields only. You could add a couple more fileds by cut and paste but this is not really a road you want to take and these would be available for all users.

This same set is used on import, export, search, watermark, filename placeholders, translations(?), preferences, documentation, etc. Even if you do not want to cover all these cases you need to do the major ones, changing the code from a fixed set to a dynamic list like the tags. As a compromise, for example, on import you might be able to set only the default set of fields but you can later edit more using the metadata editor. This seems reasonable even if it is likely that someone will eventually ask to use his custom fields in the watermark or somewhere else too.

It's not a complex work but quite a long and tricky one as you are touching a lot of different places. I think you'll need a custom "module" for the metadata editor too.

For the time being, what I would try is this: use one of the five fields as a custom one, the descriprion maybe, assuming it is long enough for your need (max size should be 65k, I do not know if DT support this size in this case). Place here all the info you need with a custom format. For example:

subject name:release number:extra1

Or a more fancy dynamic scheme but this would be very hard to edit in practice:

subject_name=jack, release_number=123, extra1=xyz,...

Now write a small script, with lua or outside DT, that splits these fields and copies them to the final exif targets. I can write and share this small script here, for anyone looking for something like this (yes, it is an hack). After each export you need to run this but at least it is not completely manual.

Do you think this could be useful?



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