On 1/14/20 7:35 AM, Viktors Krasovskis wrote:
> ...
> Darktable 3.0 would be a fantastic tool if it would allow the users to
> choose between the classic and advanced workflows. That would speed up
> editing where camera manufacturer raw interpretation worked well and for
> more complicated cases filmic RGB module would be a nice help for
> experienced users. Most users in most cases need that their raw files
> are rendered well enough and the rendering should be predictive. Only
> geeks and some others (the minority) needs the ultimate raw rendering
> which takes more time and in practice is less universal. Filmic RGB is
> great for landscapes and architecture where the camera's dynamic range
> is on it's limits, however Nikon base curve presents give far better
> results on human portraits on DT 2.6.x by default. What do others think
> and do they have similar experience?

I hear what you are saying. I use Olympus cameras since one of their
first digital SLR, E-500, and like Olympus's out of camera (OOC) color
rendition very much. It would be my preferred starting point while
working on RAW. However, none of the RAW conversion software (except
Olympus's own) comes close to OOC colors in some universal/preset way.
Base curves for Olympus didn't do that either, and I stopped using them
in darktable 2.x a while ago. The closest I was able to get to OOC in
some automated way was by creating a preset with a camera profile,
produced by photographing IT8 color target. Here is the latest write-up
on the technique by Andreas Schneider:


The resulting preset worked quite well for some exposures/lighting
conditions, but for quite a few it didn't, so in the end I gave up on
that either.

Šarūnas Burdulis

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