Bruce, I primarily use a Windoze machine on which the times match the times on the camera body, including time zone.  No problem with darktable keeping the time straight.  The same photos pulled into a Ubuntu Linux machine again show the same time.  I have to wonder if you have the right time zone set into your camera and both Windoze and Linux Mint?  On my machines, time zone is in the O/S, not the BIOS.  Might be a good idea to check the time zone settings in your O/Ss.

Willy Williams


On 1/19/22 at 17:56, Bruce Williams wrote:
OK, I think I understand what you said Nick. :)
I also tried some of those ls switches on my own memory card and was able to replicate your results. Of course, mine are all +11, not -5, but that's to be expected.
But where does that leave us?
Is this a dt issue that the devs can fix?
Or is it a linux issue?
Thing is, because I dual  boot with windoze 10, I do recall that I had to do some strange offset thing in linux because windoze can't handle time zones the way linux does. I'd have to go and look up what it was that I had to do to get both windoze and linux to display the correct time zone, but I vaguely recall it required allowing windoze to retrieve the time zone info from BIOS, and then applying some kind of offset in linux to compensate. Whether any of that is related to this dt issue or not, I'm not sure. Although I suspect not, based on your ls results.
Bruce Williams
Shutters Inc podcast <>, the world's best-loved photography podcast

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---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: *Neal Holtz* <>
Date: Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: [darktable-user] Timestamp oddity
To: <>

I have my camera (Nikon) set to EST (UTC-5).
Just took a photo at 2022-01-19 15:42 EST.

My computer displayed it as 10:42, not 15:42.

Timezone info is not recorded with the file time stamp.

So host computer has to assume UTC for the timestamps.
Probably the only reasonable assumption for external file systems
that were created elsewhere.

The file *in the camera file system* is given
in local camera time. It would be preferable to be in UTC.

The following is on the camera file system, before copying to computer:

> nholtz@photos:176ND850$ pwd
> /media/nholtz/NIKON D850/DCIM/176ND850
> nholtz@photos:176ND850$ ls -l
> total 25152
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 nholtz nholtz 53141230 Jan 19 10:42 D85_1332.NEF*

The above shows that 15:42 was recorded, but was displayed as 10:42
because my computer is also set to UTC-5.

A little more evidence:

> nholtz@photos:176ND850$ ls --full-time
> total 25152
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 nholtz nholtz 53141230 2022-01-19 10:42:08.910000000 -0500 D85_1332.NEF*

The '-0500' is the timezone in which to interpret the 10:42 time.
It has been adjusted for display in that timezone.

And more, telling the ls command to assume UTC time zone:

> nholtz@photos:176ND850$ TZ=UTC ls --full-time
> total 25152
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 nholtz nholtz 53141230 2022-01-19 15:42:08.910000000 +0000 D85_1332.NEF*
> nholtz@photos:176ND850$

We are back to the 15:42, with UTC offset of 0000, as set by the camera.

Summary:  My camera (Nikon) just stamps the files with whatever local
time you have set, ignoring timezone.  Then the computer you copy the
file to applies its timezone info when it displays the times. So if
your time is set 'correctly' in the camera (ignoring timezone), the
timezone must be incorrect on the computer.

On 2022-01-19 3:27 p.m., Bruce Williams wrote:
> OK, following Christian's train of thought, I just took another image at
> 07:21 on Jan 20th.
> I took the memory card out of the camera, put it in my card reader which > attaches to my pc via USB port, and opened the containing folder in Nemo
> (file manager).
> Sure enough, the Date Modified timestamp says January 20th at 18:21....
> 11 hours into the future.
> No other app has come into contact with the files on the memory card. I
> NEVER use any other image editing/viewing software to access the images
> on my memory cards. It is always a case of:
> 1. files written to card by camera's image processor
> 2. memory card mounted via card reader to linux mint
> 3. files imported directly into darktable
> 4. memory card ejected properly via nemo.
> Cheers,
> Bruce Williams
> ------------------------------
> Shutters Inc podcast <>, the world's
> best-loved photography podcast
> Understanding darktable
> <> on youtube
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> <> | LinkedIn
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> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: *Christian Birzer* <
> <>>
> Date: Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 2:57 AM
> Subject: Re: [darktable-user] Timestamp oddity
> To: <
> <>>
> Hi,
> I just took a look at this and was confused in the first place too.
> Strange timestamps that are not even in the range where the pictures was
> taken, no matter which timezone it should be.
> Then I noticed that the time is the file modification time. The weird
> jumps in timestamps I see are due to the fact that some other software
> (LR in my case) modified the file (yes, DNG files can be modified by LR).
> This makes totally sense, since the column header says "modified".
> Can you please compare your time stamps from the import dialog with the
> file modification time?
> --
> Christian Birzer
>  <>
> <> < <>> > <> <> > <> <> > <> <> > <> <>
> Am 19.01.2022 um 15:28 schrieb ternaryd:
>> On Wed, 19 Jan 2022 13:49:29 +0100
>> Marco DE BOOIJ<> <> wrote:
>>> Now that you mention, I have noticed the same
>>> thing. For me it is 1 hour difference.
>> Seems like at some point the time zone is not
>> being observed.
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