Am Sun, 27 Aug 2023 12:30:54 +1000
hat Bruce Williams <> (Bruce Williams) folgendes

> *Maybe you've already tried that, but if not, here's how to do it:*
> * $ darktable --configdir /path/to/temporary/configdir This will
> create a new default profile at "/path/to/temporary/configdir" and
> should leave your working profile alone. But you do have a backup of
> it, right?! If darktable now starts with it's defaults settings,
> something with your config and/or image database is fishy...*
> Ah-hah!
> THAT made it launch.
> Which is both a good thing and a bad thing.
> No, I don't think I have a backup of my original config.
> When I launched it from the command line, although it launched, the
> command line gave me this:
>    ~  darktable --configdir ~/.config/darktable/test
>  1 ✘
> Fontconfig error: "/etc/fonts/fonts.conf", line 29: not well-formed
> (invalid token)
> Fontconfig error: Cannot load config file from /etc/fonts/fonts.conf
>     1.3400 [lib_load_module] failed to open `midi':
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> Not sure if anyone understands what all that means, and if that might
> be the cause of the issue?
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Hi Bruce,
sorry, i only have Fedora, which is a rpm based (redhat) distribution,
and never get in touched with Manjaro.
My thoughts yesterday was: Could it be, that you update Manjaro und
startet successfully darktable the last time without a reboot? And
than, after the reboot a few days later you get the error?

Nevertheless, i looked in my fontconfig, but i saw nothing interesting
in line 29. The fontconfig is not so long, so perhaps you can post it

Googling the error, which could be the root cause
gives a hint, that dt crashed, when someone connected his Oly EM5 to the
system with "mount camera".

So, perhaps, is anything mounted (or plugged in) when you start dt?
One guy ask him, to start dt with:
darktable -d camctl
that should not be the solution, but perhaps a hint to stdout in the

On my system, there is also no libportmidi installed and i am
wondering, why it is needed.

what gives:
ldd /usr/bin/darktable | grep midi

where /usr/bin/darktable is the path to dt, which you can get with

which darktable?

greetings from germany,

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