Hi Bruce,

>> * $ darktable --configdir /path/to/temporary/configdir This will create a
> THAT made it launch.
> Which is both a good thing and a bad thing.

Great, as dt is working with the default config, I assume that with your system
is everything fine. You could double-check and enable OpenCL with the
default config and see if dt still works.

If you dn't have some external control panels (I think these are interfaced
over MIDI), I would neither mind at the moment about the libportmidi,
nor the fontconfig error.

> No, I don't think I have a backup of my original config.

Darktabe usually writes periodic snapshots of the config/library itself.
So I would now try to:

1) First, make a backup of the current config directory.
2) Copy the default darktablerc into your config:
    $ cp ~/.config/darktable/test/darktablerc  ~/.config/darktable/
3) Roll back the library.db and data.db from darktable's own snapshots,
    from most recent to oldest, e.g.
    $ cd ~/.config/darktable
    $ cp data.db-snp-20230716172500 data.db
    $ cp library.db-snp-20230716172500 library.db

Check inbetween if dt is starting up.

Cumbersome task, but if you don't want to start again from a default
configuration, that's my best guess...


> When I launched it from the command line, although it launched, the
> command
> line gave me this:
>    ~  darktable --configdir ~/.config/darktable/test
>  1 ✘
> Fontconfig error: "/etc/fonts/fonts.conf", line 29: not well-formed
> (invalid token)
> Fontconfig error: Cannot load config file from /etc/fonts/fonts.conf
>     1.3400 [lib_load_module] failed to open `midi': libportmidi.so.2:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> Not sure if anyone understands what all that means, and if that might be
> the cause of the issue?
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