
> I'm a big fan of this change, however I would say this isn't going to  
> replace Datamapper's desperate need for a simple, and straightforward  
> OR syntax with finders.

I agree.  The main reason for introducing this is that it fits in with
the Collection API naturally, and provides primitive logic that we can
build even better APIs on top of easily.

> Dan, have you looked at the syntax proposed by dm-sugar-glider? Maybe  
> something similar would be a good approach for easy OR 
> querieshttp://github.com/knowtheory/dm-sugar-glider

This actually is inspired somewhat by the Sugar Glider project that
Ted (knowtheory) is working on.  To make things easier for that
project, I was speccing the Query conditions API, and realized that it
might make it easier if there was a simple way to combine new
conditions with existing conditions.  If we think of a Query as a Set,
and provide the standard union/intersection/difference methods it
makes this alot easier.  Then I thought: what if I expose this through
the Collection? Set operations are *already* available on Collection,
they just lazy load and are totally inefficient -- what if I make it
so they don't lazy load and simply combine the conditions together?
That's how this idea was born.

The Sugar Glider project is more of an experimental query interface
that when complete, I would like everyone to try, and if it proves
useful we can talk about merging it into the core.  It provides
similar capabilities to my dm-ambition gem (which is awesome if you're
running on 1.8), but it will have no dependency on ParseTree, so
should work equally well with 1.8, 1.9 and JRuby.


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