Oh, then yeah, this seems like a perfect way to help that out! Ignore
my DSL suggestions.


On Oct 30, 2:23 pm, "Dan Kubb (dkubb)" <dan.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jacques,
> > I'm a big fan of this change, however I would say this isn't going to  
> > replace Datamapper's desperate need for a simple, and straightforward  
> > OR syntax with finders.
> I agree.  The main reason for introducing this is that it fits in with
> the Collection API naturally, and provides primitive logic that we can
> build even better APIs on top of easily.
> > Dan, have you looked at the syntax proposed by dm-sugar-glider? Maybe  
> > something similar would be a good approach for easy OR 
> > querieshttp://github.com/knowtheory/dm-sugar-glider
> This actually is inspired somewhat by the Sugar Glider project that
> Ted (knowtheory) is working on.  To make things easier for that
> project, I was speccing the Query conditions API, and realized that it
> might make it easier if there was a simple way to combine new
> conditions with existing conditions.  If we think of a Query as a Set,
> and provide the standard union/intersection/difference methods it
> makes this alot easier.  Then I thought: what if I expose this through
> the Collection? Set operations are *already* available on Collection,
> they just lazy load and are totally inefficient -- what if I make it
> so they don't lazy load and simply combine the conditions together?
> That's how this idea was born.
> The Sugar Glider project is more of an experimental query interface
> that when complete, I would like everyone to try, and if it proves
> useful we can talk about merging it into the core.  It provides
> similar capabilities to my dm-ambition gem (which is awesome if you're
> running on 1.8), but it will have no dependency on ParseTree, so
> should work equally well with 1.8, 1.9 and JRuby.
> --
> Dan
> (dkubb)
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